New forms of media publishing.

The line between what constitutes blogging and journalism is blurred and so too is the line that decides the degree to which normal journalistic ethics apply to bloggers(Colin, 2004). The term of media ecosystem means the relationship between weblogs and journalism. According to John Naughton (2006), the relationship is emerging between the new medium of blogging and more conventional print journalism which is beneficial to both sides.
 John Naughton (2006) concluded the new ecosystem will be richer, more diverse and immeasurably more complex because of the number of content producers, the density of the interactions between them and their products, the speed with which actors in this space can communicate with one another, and the pace of development made possible by ubiquitous networking. New media theory is an intellectual discipline that examines the nature, roles, and functioning of new media objects (that is, works) in their cultures. (Jeffrey Bardzell) the common new media types is web sites, multimedia, blogs, multimedia presentations.
According to Agathe Wiedemair (2010, the modern concept of pastoral power is of unique value, when applied to new media practices and social networking sites such as facebook. Facebook and the ability of its members to act as individuals within a collective serves this double-role as a simultaneously global yet self-involved form of virtual representation and communication. (Agathe Wiedemair, 2010)


Naughton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, viewed on 29/9/2010, retrieved from

Colin. 2004. The Ethics of Blogging, viewed on 29/9/2010, retrieved from

Agathe Wiedemair, 2010, Facebook Confessions: Pastoral Power in New Media Practices, viewed on 29/9/2010, retrieved from

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